For Mothers & Daughters

As our daughters go through massive developmental transitions, we as Mothers, are too. Coming of Age Together is a much needed container for mothers and their tween daughters to nourish connection, conversation and community. Following the seasons, our offerings and events support our daughters, ourselves, and each other through this tender time. We are determined to make the transition into the teen years a positive time of transformation. We are creating a sacred space that will hold us through life's next chapter with honesty, with humor, with open ears, and loving hearts.

Coming of Age Together is centered around soulful mother-daughter connection and open communication on topics ranging from the power and significance of menstruation, hormonal changes, brain development, healthy social media engagement, tools for emotional self soothing, and answer the most important questions - those asked by the girls themselves. Equally important, there will also be F U N!

We learn and thrive in Community. We were looking for the village that we so craved, and couldn’t find it. So we created it. Together.

We hope you will join us.

Katya, McLean & Morgan