Springtime Vision Casting

March 10th, 11am-2pm

5259 W. Pico Blvd (near LACMA)

A midday gathering centered around our vision for an evolving Mother/Daughter relationship, seasonal brunch, sharing circle and sound bath.

Desiree Jacobs, life coach and mama, will lead us in a vision boarding exercise, followed by an opportunity to share our relationship dreams and drop into an immersive sound bath, led by McLean McGown.

To reserve your spots for Coming of Age Together's Springtime Vision Casting, please Venmo $75 to McLean McGown (@motherthemother) and include your email in the memo. We can barely wait to see the beauty that unfolds!

Other dates to save, with more details to follow:

Sunday April 14th for our Daughter + Mother Self Care Sunday in Collaboration with Rile Skin Care, at the beautiful new Cheeks + Co location in West Adams

Friday April 26th for a Tween Comedy Night at The Crow in Santa Monica

Sunday May 5th for our Mothers AND Daughters Day event at Little City Farms

Growing with you,

Katya, McLean & Morgan